Community & Charity Work


Edgcumbe is a day centre for people with dementia and other illnesses. The key purpose of a day centre is to help people to continue to live at home as opposed to a residential home or a nursing home. They provide people with the opportunity to mix and socialise with others, get involved in various activities, learn new skills and re-learn old skills.

They hold a monthly carers meeting, and I was invited to photograph the retirement of Gary, one of the founding members of the group.


Tagit Tullycarnet community group ran a six week photography club for teens along with Belfast Exposed and Charter NI. I was invited along to photograph the group for publicity purposes.

NI Bat Group

The Northern Ireland Bat Group received a Heritage Lottery Grant, and needed to provide photographs of the Young Bat Workers kids club. As well as events that the grant was funding,

They also need photographs for the Northern Ireland Bat Group Newsletter, ‘The Leisler’ for members.